Happy Kaisoo Day!

You know, things like this are not usually my thing.. As in I don’t really care about them. But I have this one otp, that I am just very passionate about.

If you’ve seen my last post, you’d know that yesterday, January 12th is Do Kyungsoo’s birthday. Coincidentally, or not, tomorrow is my bias, someone who I’m always speechless about, Kim Jongin’s birthday!
Kyungsoo was born January 12th, 1993 while Jongin was born January 14th, 1994. Just a year and a day apart, how crazy is that?!
Another crazy thing is that 12 and 14 has always been my favorite numbers, even if when I wasn’t their fan and I didn’t even know who they were.


If you are in the EXO fandom, you’d know that Kaisoo, which is a combined name of KAI (Jongin’s stage name) and KyungSOO, is like one of the most popular ship.
This is another thing that I just can’t fully explain in words. It’s just hard. Like???? Hello???? Just??? Look??? At??? Them????????


I know some people might be like, they’re just best friends, blablabla. Yeah, maybe. But its just that there are some things that they did with each other that they never do with other members. Kyungsoo is close with Baekhyun and Chanyeol, but look at the things he did with Jongin…

Um yes whatcha doing there.


Look! His smile is so bright. I don’t know if its just me but there’s something whenever Kyungsoo smiles at Jongin. There’s a big freaking difference from his normal smile to that “reserved for Kim Jongin smile:.

And Jongin, good Lord Jongin never takes his eyes off Kyungsoo. He’s so obvious it’s kind of cute. I love it.
You’re staring, Jonginnie.

Jongin, Kyungsoo is not even talking.



And for some reason, they are always paired together when they’re doing stuff like commercials, photoshoots, etcetc. It’s like the ship sails by itself.


Below is the day Jongin said I love you to Kyungsoo in public. I might or might not have cried because he’s so precious.

^short poem by made Jongin (it was supposed to be anonymous but we found out it was him)

subtle butt touching i see.



If people ask, wouldn’t you be sad if Jongin or Kyungsoo is gay? Since that would mean they’re not interested in women.

No, not really.

This is the first time I think, that I genuinely just want someone to be happy. Just purely want them to be happy no matter what. Even if you don’t ship Kaisoo, you could tell that they are happy with each other, comfortable with each other. And if that what makes them happy, I’m happy.
And to be honest, if they are dating, I would be so freaking happy for them. For some reason I can’t picture Jongin with a woman.. I dunno its really weird?
Jongin to me seems like someone that don’t wanna label himself you know, like “I just like whoever I like” type..


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